A Good Remind About Food and Diets

In this week's podcast, we delve into the significance of consuming whole foods – essentially, less processed, natural foods. Sometimes, we find ourselves needing a gentle reminder about what we already know. Why is prioritizing whole foods important, you might ask? Initially, it does require more effort, demanding dedication and determination. However, once it becomes a habit, it seamlessly transitions into a lifestyle change, promising improved well-being and long-term health benefits. But how does one initiate this transformation? I discuss  some small changes we can make. which is key to cultivating new traits and habits. Finally, we address the detrimental impact of diets on long-term health goals. Interestingly, the word “diet” even contains “DIE” within it, empathizing its potentially harmful effects.

Ready to simplify and enhance your health journey? Join us on Team Elevate! We're a group of dynamic moms dedicated to supporting each other, hitting our start lines, embracing adventures, and nourishing our bodies with wholesome, plant-filled goodness. Our mission? To ensure you have the energy and vitality needed to live your fullest life. Visit Kamibanks.com, click on “Join Team Elevate,” and let's embark on this transformative journey together. We're excited to welcome you to the team!