When Things Don’t Go As Planned with Ciara Stockeland, an Ironman Finisher

In the moment when you realize things are not going the way you planned, what do you do? How do you react? Physically things may be out of your control, but mentally you  have a choice on how you will respond. You will hear Ciara, one of our amazing Team Elevate Ladies, share what she did when injury became a part of her racing story. 

You will be inspired and motivated as she shares her determined spirit with us on the podcast. She hung on to her purpose for racing. She stayed present and patient through the up and down of the race and training, and no matter what she was committed to finishing the race.

This is a must listen to episode. 

Listen for all the life lessons Ciara learns along the way on her Ironman journey. 

If you want to find out more about Ciara visitor @ciarastockeland on instagram and ciarastockeland.com