It is back to school and as moms we are all busy supporting our kids and making sure they have all the support to have the best year possible. Where are you turning for support on achieving your goals and dream this year?I recently returned from...

A couple weeks I had this opportunity to be around amazing and inspiring women at a business conference call Impact 2.0.I came home  fired up and ready to make a difference with the one wild and precious life I have. It really hit me that...

What if life felt less stressful? On the podcast this week I break down the difference between stressing out and figuring out to help you start noticing what state of mind you are in . I share a fast and quick way to move through...

What do you think about your birthday? On this week's podcast I share three things that I love about my birthday that have nothing to do with presents, activities, or surprises. I take you through a typical birthday, and show you how I spent time...

We often choose to do physical workouts, but how often do we choose to do mental workouts? It has taken many years to get better at mental workouts. On this week's podcast I share the three phases you go through as you get more mentally...

The 3 things no one is talking about with food planning. I take you through the ACE method to help you see why food planning is just a tool to help you get to what you really want. The intention that you start the day with really...

Discomfort is the currency of our dreams. My coach Brooke Castillo talks about often.  In the podcast I share ways to allow the discomfort instead of avoiding it by pretending, controlling, or reacting to it. Learning how to go through discomfort is an essential tool if you...