Do often feel anxious? On the podcast this week I share how to ease your anxiety.I also discuss the benefits exercise has on minimizing it. I deal with anxiety on a daily basis, and I share what I have personally done to manage my stress...

Do you feel like your emotions control you? Are you reacting or responding to the different situations life hands to you? This week I share how our emotions play a big role in the actions we take. The good news is that we can learn...

If you are still living, there is still room to grow, and you grow from challenges. Embrace them and ask yourself “what did I learn from my last challenge?” Oftentimes when life is easy, we aren’t growing. Life will hand you challenges or you can choose challenges, but...

Who wants to lose weight and get healthier? I share the top three tips that have worked for my clients and athletes, and what I have seen brings lasting success.I also offer how to actually put these three tips into action.I share a bonus tip...

Have you received a gift that changed your life? My ACE gift will bring lasting change.The first thing in the ACE gift is awareness. I share why Awareness is the first thing that needs to happen on your journey. I also discuss why awareness matters, and some...

Are you relying on motivation to get you to stick with your weight loss and health goals?Listen this week as I settle the debate on if you trick your brain - use motivation,  or if you train your brain with consistency, dedication, and determination into...