If you are a busy mom (or anyone living a full life), waking up in the morning and being flooded with all the things you have to do may sound familiar. This week on the podcast you get an antidote that can help with that...

Why Elevate? In 2020 I choose this word for my 2021 word of the year. It has now become the face and name of our amazing team of moms - Team Elevate. This week we celebrate the 2 year anniversary of the team being created. On...

“I know what I need to do, but I am just not doing it” says almost everyone. Have you ever been stuck in your head? Do you take action at that point?This week we are talking about how taking actions helps get you out of your head.One...

Are you motivated? Have you "lost your motivation"? I share with you how relying on motivation will trap us. I share the three things that are part of reality that we need to learn how to handle and accept, so we can learn how to...

Most of the time we eat food because it helps us feel better in the moment. I want to offer you some new ideas on how you can feel better longer and get more energy from food. I want to help you see how to...

The holiday season brings up so many different emotions. It seems as though life gets kicked into high gear. How can you make a decision to have an elevated holiday around food, fitness, family, and fun? It starts with an intentional decision. A commitment to...

What do you think when you think of food and the holidays? This week I want to address the idea of feeling restrictive and trapped if you want to be at a healthy athletic weight. In most conversations I have with people they bring up the...