This week I discuss why a 30 day challenge is a great way to get you closer to a bigger goal.I talk about 5 ways to create a challenge that you can achieve.I also share some fun ideas of challenges you can try, and I...

We discuss how failure can ultimately lead us to greater success.  We talk about escape fails, and worthy fails.  We also talk about "failing ahead of time," and why it is detrimental.  We look at failures with curiosity and what we can learn from them....

Join me this weeks as I discuss being perfect vs being real. I share 10 ways to become real from the book "The Velveteen Principles" by Toni Raiten-D'Antonio.I talk about how real is possible if we decide to choose it. I explore how being flexible...

I discuss ways to enhance our lives through a daily routine. I share with you my daily routine through natural M.E.D.S. ( Meditation, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep).Articles discuss The Unexpected Benefits of Daliy Routine Ways Sleep Can Change Your Life Ways Exercise Improves...

We discuss 5 ways to embrace the different challenges we have in life. talk about bringing awareness to the challenges we are facing. We explore how challenges can change us to grow and become better if we let them. ...

What actions are you taking to have exercise in your life? We talk about three ways that can help you take action to make exercise and important part of your day....