In this week's podcast, we delve into the significance of consuming whole foods – essentially, less processed, natural foods. Sometimes, we find ourselves needing a gentle reminder about what we already know. Why is prioritizing whole foods important, you might ask? Initially, it does require...

Reflecting on nearly four years of podcasting, launching Kami Banks coaching, initiating Team Elevate, and navigating through various highs and lows in relationships and personal growth, especially after a significant ski accident, has been an incredible journey. Throughout this time, I've garnered invaluable lessons that...

"Struggling with time? This episode is a must-listen. Dive into the distractions, confusion, and overwhelm that your brain throws your way. Learn to decide what truly matters, make it a priority, and approach it with intention. I'll share how I reframe to fit in what...

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the temptation to chase goals can sometimes lead us down paths we never intended. In this episode of 'Chasing You,' I unpack three insightful perspectives that might just reshape your approach to the upcoming year....

Ever pondered if you live to eat or eat to live? 🌱 Unveiling the struggle of feeling figuratively chained to our food, we dive deep into breaking free from mere behavior change. It's time to redefine our relationship with food at its roots and embark...