What is the one step you need to take to change your life? A couple weekends ago at the Incline Your Life Retreat the first step you needed to take to get to the top of the incline was the first step out of 2,768...

Is your mind racing? Do you get race anxiety? If you answered yes, this is for you. This has been something that I have struggled with, and have been working on the last few years. I share a few tips and tricks that I use and...

Do you notice the critic’s voice? Is it loud? Think about how often you listen to the voice of fear in your head versus the voice of courage.This week I share ways to help you be aware of what voice you are listening to, Then...

Time is a precious gift and it is finite. Where are you spending your time? On the podcast this week I offer a simple 3 question self assessment to see how you spend your time. We have one wild and precious life, so how are...

How many times today have you said “I am tired”. I hear this often from others and myself. I offer three things to try when you hear yourself saying this the next time. I also offer 10 ways to help you start prioritizing sleep in a new...

Do you feel like you have “fallen off the wagon”? I have been helping a lot of women lately with getting back on track. I share three ideas that may surprise you. We often think something has gone wrong if we notice we are off...