This week on the podcast I talk about three ways to make it through your unexpected adventure. I share two different experiences I just went through.1- separate out what you can control (thoughts,  attitude, and action), and what you can not control ( weather, people,...

This week we discuss three points about our thoughts around “hard things”.1- Finding evidence that you can do hard things. 2- It is just a thought, and what are you making it mean? 3 - Two questions to ask yourself:a-Why are you choosing to call it hard? b-Why...

Why make decisions ahead of time? It helps with decision fatigue, you think with a clearer and higher brain power, you make better choices, and it helps give up freedom from all the mental chatter. Then you learn to honor yourself by eating what you said...

Happy one year birthday to the podcast.On this episode I dive into how the podcast got its name, and how important the word BEYOND truly is.When we are willing to go beyond, we are willing to see what infinite possibilities are.I share how we work...

Have you ever cried in the dressing room? On this week's podcast I take you back to my young 20’s when I was 25 lbs heavier.I remember looking in the miracle, and having the thought “I am so big”. I then offer 3 tools that I...

Jumping from a plane was an experience I will never forget.On the podcast this week, I shared 6 life lessons I learned from skydiving last week.1-Things are not usually as we expect 2-Don't look down, look to the horizon3- Find the moments inside the craziness4- Just...

"How can I be happy? I just want to be happy in life." I hear people say this often. Is there something in life that is better then happy?I share what if feels like to be fully living.I offer three questions:1- Are you willing to have...

One the podcast this week, I discuss how making the next best decision is really what helps us move forward and not suck or resentful of things that have happened in the pastI offer three different areas in your life where you can make a...

On the podcast this week, I share what my weightloss journey has been like up until now. Consistancy, preparation, and eventually all the hard work will be worth it. I share what my journey through weightloss and finding my lighter (phyiscal and mental health) self has been...

This week's podcast is all about how we can get better at something.I share a story about Chris Nikic. He was the first boy to finish an Ironman with Down syndrome.   His motto was 1 % Better. You can check out is instagram @chrisnikicI...